Contact Us
Click here to open Google maps for the map of TPTC
15 Leaside Park Drive
Toronto, ON
(416) 429-7108
Mailing Address:
45 Overlea Blvd.
Shopper's Drug Mart 
P.O. Box. 22085
Toronto, ON
M4H 1N9


Contact our Management and Executive
President: Christine Barachina
Vice President: Vacant 
Treasurer: Joel Kreuger
Membership Director: Joanne Minish
Secretary: David Bradstock
Teams Director: Rita Strah
Social Director: Isabelle Vanasse Grosdidier
Adult Development Director Michelle Dobranowski
Member(s) at Large:  Rita Lee
Member(s) at Large: Josh Peplow 
Communications Director  Vacant
Junior Director Patrick Meouchy
Club House Manager  Gary Hong 


Do you want to make a difference? Here’s your chance!

TPTC  is looking for dedicated volunteers for the board.

If you are interested please contact us at